- Nothingness can not be defined; the softest thing can not be snapped. - Bruce Lee
- Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese Proverb
- There is no man who is not, at each moment, what he has been and what he will be. - Hagakure
- Let not thy will roar, when thy power can but whisper. - Dr. Thomas Fuller
- Cowards die many times before thier deaths; the valiant never taste death but once. - William Shakespeare
- He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever. - Tom
J. Connelly
- Always do right--this will gratify some and astonish the rest. - Mark Twain
- The worst sorrows in life are not its losses and misfortune, but its fears. - A. C. Benson
- I like a man who grins when he fights. - Winston Churchill
- Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. - Abraham Lincoln
- Wish not so much to live long, as to live well. - Benjamin Franklin
- Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped -African proverb
- Live with wolves, and you learn to howl. -Spanish Proverb
- No rose without a thorn, or a love without a rival. -Turkish Proverb
- Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. -John Heywood
- Rain beats a leopard's skin, but it does not wash off the spots. -Ashanti Proverb
- The darkest hour is that before the dawn. -English Proverb
- The silent dog is the first to bite. -German Proverb
- True nobility is in being superior to your previous self. -Hindustani Proverb
- Audentes fortuna juvat - Fortune favors the bold.
- De duobus malis minus est semper eligendum - One must always choose the lesser of two evils.
- Eheu fugaces labuntur anni - Alas, the fleeting years slip by.
- Nosce te ipsum - Know thyself.
- Faber est suae quisque fortunae - Every man is the artisan of his own fortune.
- In omnia paratus - Prepared for all things.
- Nemo liber est qui corpori servit - No one is free who is a slave to his body.
- Nulli secundus - Second to none.
- Probae est in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent - A good seed, planted even in
poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own nature.
- Neart agus Onoir - Strength and Honor
Inspirational quotes: